

I hear, comrades, that some of you may be unhappy with Our Glorious Leader. Some of you say that he is unmerciful towards those who are not in agreement with his beneficent policies. Well, comrades, I could see no reason for one to disagree with Our Glorious Leader at all! We are living in a paradise of the proletariat. In this brave new world, we lack no good thing! Comrades, we have no reason to dissent. Those who do are clearly imperialist dogs, and Our Glorious Leader would be negligent to not have these vermin dealt with as any vermin should be dealt with. Now let us sing our Solidarity Hymn to the Republic:

Hail Todd Vincent Harper

Our savior and our...

[broadcast interrupted]

Comrades! We cannot live under this tyranny any longer. [name removed] is a charlatan and a thief. See for yourselves the desperate poverty under which we live. How many of you are well-fed as this dirty rat of a government mouthpiece claims? Shut up! I should end your misery right now, dog! But as I say, clearly you are not! Even if steel production is up, how many of you see that steel going towards a functioning rail system? I thought not. No the steel goes directly towards tanks to continue our ridiculous war with the "imperialists." Well, comrades, we are not too much different. Do we not want to extend our "Glorious Paradise of the Proletariat" to all nations? Would that not involve imposing our will on another sovereign nation? That, my comrades, is equally as imperialist as those we claim to oppose. Corn production may be up 200% (which I profoundly doubt), but how many of you see that corn filling your bellies? No, comrades, it goes directly to the bellies of "Our Glorious Glutton" [name removed] and his cronies. I can see that not much time remains. The People's Enforcement Squad is fast approaching. Join our movement! We seek to bring down [name removed] and establish a new government, a true government of the people, for the people, and by the people. You can't take me, you animals! If you kill me, you will only make a martyr for our cause!>

[broadcast terminated]

Transcript of People's Radio Broadcast aired October 25, 1945

From the programme “Mouthpiece of the Republic”

Translated from the German by Hans "Santa" Klaus