
Being Productive

For the first time this summer, I finally was fairly productive for once! I unpacked a bunch of boxes from Davis, did a WHOLE lot of laundry, organized some paperwork, looked over some important documents, pretty much finished the slides for the freshman orientation seminar, and even managed to walk the dog!

Still no luck in the job search, but I think I should be okay until my first paycheck. The fact that first and last rent and a security deposit are due September 1st is a little daunting, but hey, that's only about $1000...which I can easily pull out of nowhere magically, right?

Anyways, now I'm going to film a rat and head to rehearsal! I shall return later!
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That describes exactly how I feel right now. I can't find a job...anywhere! Starbucks didn't call back after the interview, none of the other 20-something companies I've applied to have called me back at all, and the TEMP agency doesn't have any TEMPORARY work!!!

Well, I suppose I'll just get by on the little that I have and stick it out until the end of summer. Come September 17th, I'll have a paycheck. Following that on the 25th, I'll have a school refund. Until then...ugh!


AGO Tour - Zeta

Yesterday I started my mission of visiting each one of the active AGO houses. This is Zeta at UCSB. Unfortunately, the people I was with were in somewhat of a hurry, so I couldn't go inside and meet anybody or even take time to look around. But since I'm in Santa Barbara fairly often anyway, this one shouldn't be so hard to hit up later. Colorado and San Diego will probably be my problem houses.

My critique: I really like the chairs on the roof and the fire hydrant! The porch is pretty nice and so is the placement and look of the windows. The crest doesn't look centered but I think that's because of the random window above it and to the right... Also, the shape of the letters looks weird to me...it seems like the A and O are very narrow and the G pretty wide. Other than that, great job Zeta!!!

My New Blog

Hello Blogosphere!

I started my blog just a few days ago, but to hold true to my Google addiction, I've switched over to Blogger. If you'd like to view my previous posts, they can be found at tvharper.wordpress.com. There are only 5 posts, but they may be worth looking at.

Thanks everybody!

Google Events?

After reading I Got Married...with Google, I thing that maybe Google should create something like "Google Events" or "Google Planner" or "Google Project" or SOMETHING which combines all of its applications together in one place to coordinate events LIKE weddings, or business projects, family vacations, graduations, and big parties...anything that usually takes planning!

Google is already amazing as it is and I think this might just make it better!

If you're reading this and you're from Google, I am a total Google freak (my friends actually complain about how much I love you!) and I totally recommend you guys have your people work on something like this (though it's possible you might already be coming up with something close through your new iGoogle?) We shall see!
