
AGO Tour - Zeta

Yesterday I started my mission of visiting each one of the active AGO houses. This is Zeta at UCSB. Unfortunately, the people I was with were in somewhat of a hurry, so I couldn't go inside and meet anybody or even take time to look around. But since I'm in Santa Barbara fairly often anyway, this one shouldn't be so hard to hit up later. Colorado and San Diego will probably be my problem houses.

My critique: I really like the chairs on the roof and the fire hydrant! The porch is pretty nice and so is the placement and look of the windows. The crest doesn't look centered but I think that's because of the random window above it and to the right... Also, the shape of the letters looks weird to me...it seems like the A and O are very narrow and the G pretty wide. Other than that, great job Zeta!!!

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