

I hear, comrades, that some of you may be unhappy with Our Glorious Leader. Some of you say that he is unmerciful towards those who are not in agreement with his beneficent policies. Well, comrades, I could see no reason for one to disagree with Our Glorious Leader at all! We are living in a paradise of the proletariat. In this brave new world, we lack no good thing! Comrades, we have no reason to dissent. Those who do are clearly imperialist dogs, and Our Glorious Leader would be negligent to not have these vermin dealt with as any vermin should be dealt with. Now let us sing our Solidarity Hymn to the Republic:

Hail Todd Vincent Harper

Our savior and our...

[broadcast interrupted]

Comrades! We cannot live under this tyranny any longer. [name removed] is a charlatan and a thief. See for yourselves the desperate poverty under which we live. How many of you are well-fed as this dirty rat of a government mouthpiece claims? Shut up! I should end your misery right now, dog! But as I say, clearly you are not! Even if steel production is up, how many of you see that steel going towards a functioning rail system? I thought not. No the steel goes directly towards tanks to continue our ridiculous war with the "imperialists." Well, comrades, we are not too much different. Do we not want to extend our "Glorious Paradise of the Proletariat" to all nations? Would that not involve imposing our will on another sovereign nation? That, my comrades, is equally as imperialist as those we claim to oppose. Corn production may be up 200% (which I profoundly doubt), but how many of you see that corn filling your bellies? No, comrades, it goes directly to the bellies of "Our Glorious Glutton" [name removed] and his cronies. I can see that not much time remains. The People's Enforcement Squad is fast approaching. Join our movement! We seek to bring down [name removed] and establish a new government, a true government of the people, for the people, and by the people. You can't take me, you animals! If you kill me, you will only make a martyr for our cause!>

[broadcast terminated]

Transcript of People's Radio Broadcast aired October 25, 1945

From the programme “Mouthpiece of the Republic”

Translated from the German by Hans "Santa" Klaus


AGO Blogs

Hello Blogosphere,

I just wanted to let you know of a few blogs I follow. I read a LOT of blogs, but these are the few I read written by my brothers of Alpha Gamma Omega. Posted are only the blogs of brothers I have actually connected with and known for a while, though I am pretty creepy in a sense that I constantly am reading about the lives of AGO men from FAR beyond my time in their personal and professional blogs. Anyways, I need to stop rambling. Here are the links! Enjoy :)

All four of these guys are new to the blogging phenomenon but have expressed a lot of talent thus far in my opinion.  Tyler's is a little bit heavy and hard to follow if you don't know how his thought processes usually work in person, but you should read it anyway...he's a good guy :)

Lots of Driving

This last week has been full of constant driving!  Working every shift I can fit in at Unitrans and travelling long distances in between shifts, I've definitely been going at it non-stop.  A breakdown of the week:

I spent last weekend with Tim and his parents in Livermore.  It was great to finally meet his mom since I've been over there at least twice before only to find out that she wouldn't be gracing me with her presence.  The weekend turned out to be wonderful!  Tim's mom called in sick to work on Saturday so that she could stay home and rest, which meant that the four of us got to waste the day away baking cookies, talking, eating, baking more cookies, and finding out that the two of us (Tim and I) hadn't left the living room area for over 12 hours!  I think we got to 14 hours before I broke the trend by using the restroom and going out to grab a box of pizza from my car (which was like a refrigerator)!  We watched movies, played cards, and had a really good time overall.  To top the weekend off, Tim and I traded in our old, recalled, fire-hazardous iPhone chargers for new, top of the line, not-going-to-kill-you chargers and visited with Zach and Pat at Crosswinds in Dublin.

Monday was pretty awesome!  Between working 2 four hour shifts, I got to go meet Phil Darke in Folsom and talk about philanthropy stuff for AGO.  We planned dates, came up with ideas, and worked out some nitty gritty details for the first annual AGO murder mystery dinner!  Thanks go to Bambi for getting this organized...come February, this should be a lot of fun!!  Stay tuned...

Then it was off to Fresno.  Tuesday morning, I worked a 3 hour shift and drove 3 hours to the smoggy city to see my loverly Brittany.  I got to meet both of her parents and siblings.  I also got to see Shonda and Lauryn (her besties) again as well as meeting two of her guy friends.  Everybody seems really awesome!  I can't wait to get to know them all a bit more in the future!

Wednesday evening, I headed off to Fairfield.  More on this later, but I was in my first accident...ahh!!!  Seeing my family for Christmas was a lot of fun, as it always is :)  I got a new wireless mouse and $40 towards a new monitor too!  Not much more to say here...sooo...

Friday, I had a 7 hour shift...the EASIEST 7 hour shift I think I've ever had in any job.  I drove a bus stop to bus stop service called Uni Ride and had only 4 passengers the entire day.  This resulted in parking my mini-bus at home for hours on end and watching Jeff Dunham's Holiday Special.  Thanks to my dad for spending the first 3 hours of work with me, to Bambi for entertainment when I went home, and to Sammy for spending the last 2 hours of work with me...it would have been VERY lonely otherwise.  Right after work, I packed my bags and headed for Saratoga.  Though I didn't get in until about 10 o'clock, jetpack and his extended family were still going strong with Christmas, round #2.  It was fun to get to know everybody a little bit and fun to find out how everybody was connected (cousins, girlfriends, husbands, etc.)  I even found out that his cousin Jen is really good friends with a girl I know from Davis!  Yay for a small world!!!

Saturday was an exciting day as I spent some more quality time with jet and his family as well as getting the chance to drive 10 minutes to Los Altos to see My Ty.  Spending 6 hours with his family gave me some interesting insights into the world that is Tyler's mind...well, not really...I actually don't know how he turned out like he did...his brothers seem completely different than he does, but I'm no expert of psychology or anything.  Spending the weekend with my big and little bros was definitely fulfilling for me...it made me feel very not lonely :)

Back to the old grindstone.  Driving buses, assigning chores to residents, collecting rent, building production programs, preparing for winter quarter, and laying out my calendar...yup, break is almost over.  Thanks to all those who made this last week so special for me!!!  So many people made me smile that even the harder times passed by without so much as a drip of sweat on my forehead!  Thank you sooo much!!!


Finals Week...

...and what an exciting week it's been!  From the AGO / ADX Christmas banquet to the formal dress fondue party last night and with lots of studying, adventure, and excitement in between, there hasn't been a dull moment.  Towards the middle of the week, I was in a pretty weird funk; apathetic towards everything and extremely irritable with everyone.  I think I came out of that yesterday, but remnants seem to be left behind.  Anyway, here's my week in pictures:


I'm C-C-C-Cold

Just about a week ago, Davis did its typical quarterly mood change.  One day is was fall and the next, it decided to be winter.  Right now, as I type at 10:40 in the morning, it's 39 degrees.  I drove a bus this morning and riding my bike to work hurt my uncovered hands extremely!!  It was so cold that when work was over, I actually rode over to the theatre department on campus to get my scarf and gloves, pretty much tripling the amount of distance I had to ride; I needed my stuff that badly.

This morning has been interesting; refusing to study for finals for whatever reason, I'm stuck doing nothing except listening to music, doing the facebook thing, and reading blogs.  Yah, I'm pathetic.  I did run into these funny videos about Prop 8.  Good stuff :)
http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/cca5e8a78a/protect-marriage-protect-children-prohibit-divorce-from-jonathan-smith (be sure to sign this petition...it's important that we protect the interests of children in California!)

Well, while you're enjoying those, I suppose I'll actually study.  Catch you later children of the blogosphere!


Back Again

So I've decided I need to start posting more frequently...what's the point of calling myself a "blogger" when I don't even write anything (though I do read my subscriptions religiously)?  I'll have the entirety of Christmas break to practice posting habits again, so let's hope I won't screw that up.

One may ask, "Why Today?"  Well, I've decided to commit myself today to writing a little more often simply to procrastinate on my studies for finals...yikes!  Wish me luck!  I've gotta get on that!!!


Our Greatest Fear

For so long, I've believed that mankind's greatest fear was the unknown. Darkness, strangers, thoughts of unnoticed stalkers, and not having a clue what tomorrow holds for our lives can cause our imaginations to stir with deathly scary images.

However, a few days ago, I came across a quote from author Marianne Williamson and after contemplating it long and hard have decided that I was wrong. What the human race is really afraid of is delving in to what they know, shining their light, letting strangers know just how amazing God has created them to be, and creating a new tomorrow in the great power Gods has given them.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us: it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

I can't be afraid of what I can do, of the accomplishments I can make. I can't be afraid to be successful in fear of becoming boastful. I can't be afraid of hiding my brilliance, beauty, talent, and greatness. I can't be afraid to be glorious as God is glorious. I can't be afraid of taking an active role in freeing others of their own fear. I can't be afraid of me.

So I'll take a step into the unknown so that I might be able to give a few comfort with my own knowledge. I'll take a step into the darkness so that I might be brave enough to shine God's light. I'll take that step and know that He has made me glorious.