
Lots of Driving

This last week has been full of constant driving!  Working every shift I can fit in at Unitrans and travelling long distances in between shifts, I've definitely been going at it non-stop.  A breakdown of the week:

I spent last weekend with Tim and his parents in Livermore.  It was great to finally meet his mom since I've been over there at least twice before only to find out that she wouldn't be gracing me with her presence.  The weekend turned out to be wonderful!  Tim's mom called in sick to work on Saturday so that she could stay home and rest, which meant that the four of us got to waste the day away baking cookies, talking, eating, baking more cookies, and finding out that the two of us (Tim and I) hadn't left the living room area for over 12 hours!  I think we got to 14 hours before I broke the trend by using the restroom and going out to grab a box of pizza from my car (which was like a refrigerator)!  We watched movies, played cards, and had a really good time overall.  To top the weekend off, Tim and I traded in our old, recalled, fire-hazardous iPhone chargers for new, top of the line, not-going-to-kill-you chargers and visited with Zach and Pat at Crosswinds in Dublin.

Monday was pretty awesome!  Between working 2 four hour shifts, I got to go meet Phil Darke in Folsom and talk about philanthropy stuff for AGO.  We planned dates, came up with ideas, and worked out some nitty gritty details for the first annual AGO murder mystery dinner!  Thanks go to Bambi for getting this organized...come February, this should be a lot of fun!!  Stay tuned...

Then it was off to Fresno.  Tuesday morning, I worked a 3 hour shift and drove 3 hours to the smoggy city to see my loverly Brittany.  I got to meet both of her parents and siblings.  I also got to see Shonda and Lauryn (her besties) again as well as meeting two of her guy friends.  Everybody seems really awesome!  I can't wait to get to know them all a bit more in the future!

Wednesday evening, I headed off to Fairfield.  More on this later, but I was in my first accident...ahh!!!  Seeing my family for Christmas was a lot of fun, as it always is :)  I got a new wireless mouse and $40 towards a new monitor too!  Not much more to say here...sooo...

Friday, I had a 7 hour shift...the EASIEST 7 hour shift I think I've ever had in any job.  I drove a bus stop to bus stop service called Uni Ride and had only 4 passengers the entire day.  This resulted in parking my mini-bus at home for hours on end and watching Jeff Dunham's Holiday Special.  Thanks to my dad for spending the first 3 hours of work with me, to Bambi for entertainment when I went home, and to Sammy for spending the last 2 hours of work with me...it would have been VERY lonely otherwise.  Right after work, I packed my bags and headed for Saratoga.  Though I didn't get in until about 10 o'clock, jetpack and his extended family were still going strong with Christmas, round #2.  It was fun to get to know everybody a little bit and fun to find out how everybody was connected (cousins, girlfriends, husbands, etc.)  I even found out that his cousin Jen is really good friends with a girl I know from Davis!  Yay for a small world!!!

Saturday was an exciting day as I spent some more quality time with jet and his family as well as getting the chance to drive 10 minutes to Los Altos to see My Ty.  Spending 6 hours with his family gave me some interesting insights into the world that is Tyler's mind...well, not really...I actually don't know how he turned out like he did...his brothers seem completely different than he does, but I'm no expert of psychology or anything.  Spending the weekend with my big and little bros was definitely fulfilling for me...it made me feel very not lonely :)

Back to the old grindstone.  Driving buses, assigning chores to residents, collecting rent, building production programs, preparing for winter quarter, and laying out my calendar...yup, break is almost over.  Thanks to all those who made this last week so special for me!!!  So many people made me smile that even the harder times passed by without so much as a drip of sweat on my forehead!  Thank you sooo much!!!

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