
I'm C-C-C-Cold

Just about a week ago, Davis did its typical quarterly mood change.  One day is was fall and the next, it decided to be winter.  Right now, as I type at 10:40 in the morning, it's 39 degrees.  I drove a bus this morning and riding my bike to work hurt my uncovered hands extremely!!  It was so cold that when work was over, I actually rode over to the theatre department on campus to get my scarf and gloves, pretty much tripling the amount of distance I had to ride; I needed my stuff that badly.

This morning has been interesting; refusing to study for finals for whatever reason, I'm stuck doing nothing except listening to music, doing the facebook thing, and reading blogs.  Yah, I'm pathetic.  I did run into these funny videos about Prop 8.  Good stuff :)
http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/cca5e8a78a/protect-marriage-protect-children-prohibit-divorce-from-jonathan-smith (be sure to sign this petition...it's important that we protect the interests of children in California!)

Well, while you're enjoying those, I suppose I'll actually study.  Catch you later children of the blogosphere!


Anonymous said...

i stumbled on your blogspot and i can't believe you voted yes on 8. "it's important we protect the interests of children in California". if that's the case, then how do you explain someone being homosexual and being raised by two heterosexual parents? And if we protect the interests of children, shouldn't we address the issues of divorce first? So much money wasted on stopping love. It's ignorant to only see with one view.

Todd said...

Dear Anonymous,

I didn't vote yes on 8. If you watch the video, you'll realize it's a spin on prop 8 about making divorce illegal. If you'd like to view my views on homosexuality and marriage, view another one of my blog entries at http://tvharper.blogspot.com/2008/07/gay-marriage.html.

Next time, actually thoroughly read a blog before you leave malicious comments. Thank you!