

I went camping this weekend with my ex-girlfriend / future sister-in-law's family. We go every year and even though they stay for a week or two, I never manage to stay for more than 2 days...

Anyways, we go to San Antonio Lake in Monterey County and it is AMAZING!!! I enjoyed every moment of it from watching the water to getting in to tubing to sleeping inside baby Hillary (my tent). Nobody ever seems to understand that a 5'11" human can fit very comfortably in a tent with a diagonal of 6'5"...

Something about camping just makes me awe at God's creation. San Antonio Lake isn't necessarily the most beautiful place, but it really helps me to slow down and just take a look.

The sad part about camping...it made me REALLY miss Brittany. Looking up at the crystal clear night sky made me think about the fact that she's there too...under that same sky...how cool...and yet, how strange that we're still so far apart. I hope you're having the time of your life over in Malaysia babe!!!

That's all for now (until I post on my current situation in about 2 minutes).

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