
Heat, Smoke, and Stolen Signs

With the intense heat (reaching 108°F the last two days) and smoke from the Northern California wildfires, Davis California has officially become a death trap. The weather forecast to the right states that there is "Haze". I don't know if I could classify it so lightly. It seems so much more dangerous than just haze.

A quote from the University of California:
"Air quality around the Davis and Sacramento campuses continues to be unhealthy due to wildfire smoke. Everyone is advised to minimize outdoor activity and physical exertion. If you are experiencing adverse effects due to the smoke, please speak to you supervisor about the possibility of an alternative work environment."
It's pretty bad. I'll post some pictures (which certainly don't do it any real justice because you won't be able to feel or even taste the heat and the smoke) tomorrow.

What's worse, somebody stole one of my signs for orientation! I don't understand why somebody would do that! Just doesn't make sense to me... Oh well.

On a good note, the heat is supposed to stay below 100 tomorrow!

Anyways...back to misery. Ugh. I think this situation calls for Woodstock's...maybe not. Whatev. Too tired, sweaty, sticky, and miserable to care...

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