
Smoke 'n' Cheerleaders

No, they're not hot. The title implies that there is smoke. There are cheerleaders. Completely unrelated...except in this post. So here are some of the pictures I promised yesterday:

This one was a few days back before it started getting really bad. The picture doesn't do it justice, because you could barely see the tops of any of the trees or even the side of the trees further away! It was just a strange white haze surrounding the quad...

This one is from yesterday...see how you can't see a sky? Yah - and yet again, this doesn't actually look like the real thing. It was much worse! If the fires are big enough to cause this much smoke this far away, I feel REALLY bad for the people actually having to experience the fires themselves!

I think this one is pretty cool. It's not a good picture (but then again, most pictures that I've seen covered by an ominous gray smoke aren't TOO attractive) but I like how the sun doesn't even shine through so bright and most of the rays are absorbed into the smoke. Kinda gives an idea just how thick this stuff really is...

I took this one just as the sun was dropping on the AGO house. I have a panorama version too...but it's way too big to post on a blog....

It certainly has been an interesting few days of heat and smoke. Luckily, the heat died down a bit today, but unfortunately, the decrease of heat caused a rise in cheerleaders. Natures' economics? So, they're right outside my window, and since it's still fairly hot, I've decided to leave my window open. But they are SOOO loud and even more annoying! Literally about 500 little cheerleaders (age range - undetermined) shouting all day and never shutting up! Here's a picture of the beasts, just to give an idea of how close and how HUGE they are (and of course, by huge, I'm referring to the group; individually, they're twigs...probably anorexic). There are more behind all the trees, and then more come later, and more, and more...until the entire grass area has no walking space.

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