
Oh Facebook...

So, according to facebook, I'm supposed to know some people named Stacy Muelder and Amanda Ashdown. Now, I'm pretty sure Stacy is the same Stacy a bunch of my friends know (they all went to "Stacy's wedding!") Amanda...I have no idea...but I think she might be from Oregon - too many degrees of separation to have a clue.

Anyways, none of that matters...what matters is that facebook made me think Amanda was in the ku klux klan! (or some similar organization)...either that or she's naughty and has to sit in a corner with a dunce cap. I didn't realize there were two pictures here so Amanda's hood and Stacy's dress looked like one tall pointy hat! Check it out!

So...yah. The purpose of this post...does not exist? Just an observation and random thought...

1 comment:

aca said...

I checked out your blog and noticed you had the Clark family blog on your sidebar. My husband Jasen and I are great friends with them...so we may be "friends" by association.

I have never lived in Oregon and have never been apart of any hate crimes against others. Hope that clears up any misunderstandings.

Facebook is an interesting creature!